Quote Generator

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File Unit:      
L × W × H:
X: × Y: × Z:  cm 


Model Stats:

Material Volume: cm3
Support Material Volume: cm3
Box Volume: cm3
Surface Area: cm2
Model Weight: g
Model Dimensions:
x x cm
Number of Polygons:
Number of Shapes:
Total Path: cm

Incl. Support Charges: 

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freezing resistance, heat resistance water resistance
High Flexibility, Carbon Fiber reenforced PETG
Poly Carbonate, thermal resistance, mechanical properties, high impact strength and durability.
soft and most flexible (like rubber), ex: phone case
Nylon, strength and stiffness. impact, collision, and vibration resistance
thermal resistance close to PETG
Nylon, high tensile strength, low water absorption, medium bendability
improved mechanical properties, looks smoother,
Standard rapid prototyping plastic, (Cheapest) Low warping temp, low tensile strength.
Standard rapid prototyping plastic, (Cheapest) Low warping temp, low tensile strength.
Standard rapid prototyping plastic, (Cheapest) Low warping temp, low tensile strength.
Standard rapid prototyping plastic, (Cheapest) Low warping temp, low tensile strength.
Standard rapid prototyping plastic, (Cheapest) Low warping temp, low tensile strength.
Standard rapid prototyping plastic, (Cheapest) Low warping temp, low tensile strength.
Standard rapid prototyping plastic, (Cheapest) Low warping temp, low tensile strength.
Standard rapid prototyping plastic, (Cheapest) Low warping temp, low tensile strength.
No infill removal or cleaning.
Infill will be removed.